Hottest day of the year. Coolest talent in town.
Bellport residents flocked to hear Jessie Hartland, Brian Yanish and Deb Domingos bring children's literature to life in a beautiful garden by the bay.
Poster by illustrator Jessie Hartland.
Jessie Hartland reading her picture book, Night Shift.
Brian Yanish talks about his book, ScrapKins Junk Re-thunk.
Deb Domingos, librarian legend of Brookhaven Free Library, spinning a yarn.
Cartwheel competitions...
Egg & spoon races...
Sack races...
Jessie Hartland's 'How to draw a Poodle'. Love it!
Speed reading...
Deb Domingos leading a sing-a-long as author Brian Yanish helps lines of children make parachutes out of recycled toilet rolls and plastic bags. Upcycle heaven!
Creative Writing & Illustrating Awards were handed to nine clever kids.
One submission for our Creative Writing Contest shows beautiful descriptive writing.
Our gorgeous and generous hostess, Chantal Berman with her grandson.